来源:互联网 | 作者:中华IC网整理 | 发表于:2014-12-15

DRV8846 双通道 H 桥步进电机驱动器
DRV8846 Dual H-Bridge Stepper Motor Driver


The DRV8846 provides a highly-integrated stepper motor driver for cameras, printers, projectors, and other automated equipment applications. The device has two H-bridges and a microstepping indexer and is intended to drive a bipolar stepper motor. The output block of each H-bridge driver consists of N- channel and P-channel power MOSFETs configured as full H-bridges to drive the motor windings. The DRV8846 is capable of driving up to 1-A full scale
output current (with proper heatsinking and TA = 25℃).

A simple STEP/DIR interface allows easy interfacing to controller circuits. Pins allow configuration of the motor in full-step up to 1/32-step modes. Decay mode is configurable so that adaptive decay, slow decay, fast decay, and mixed decay can be used. The PWM
current chopping off-time can also be selected. A low-power sleep mode is provided which shuts down internal circuitry to achieve very-low quiescent current draw. This sleep mode can be set using a dedicated nSLEEP pin.

Internal protection functions are provided for UVLO,overcurrent protection, short circuit protection, and overtemperature. Fault conditions are indicated via a nFAULT pin.


1• PWM Microstepping Motor Driver
– Built-In Microstepping Indexer
– Up to 1/32 Microstepping
– Step/Direction Control 
• Multiple Decay Modes
– Adaptive Decay 
– Mixed Decay 
– Slow Decay 
– Fast Decay
• Configurable Off-Time PWM Chopping 
– 10-, 20-, or 30-μs Off-Time
• Adaptive Blanking Time for Smooth Stepping
• 4- to 18-V Operating Supply Voltage Range
• 1-A Continuous/RMS Output Current (at 25℃) 
• Low-Current Sleep Mode 
• 3-Bit Torque DAC to Scale Motor Current 
• Thermally Enhanced Surface Mount Package
• Protection Features 
– VM Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
– Overcurrent Protection (OCP)
– Thermal Shutdown (TSD)
– Fault Condition Indication Pin (nFAULT)
• Printers
• Scanners
• Video Security Cameras

• Projectors

图1. DRV8846功能框图

图2. DRV8846 PWM马达驱动器电路图

图3. DRV8846 典型应用电路图


The DRV8846 customer EVM is a platform revolving around the DRV8846, a low voltage dual H-bridge driver and highly configurable power stage. This device has been optimized to drive a single bipolar stepper with up to 32 degrees of internally generated microstepping.

The EVM houses an MSP430 microcontroller and a USB interface chip. The USB chip allows for serial communications from a PC computer where a Microsoft® Windows® application is used to schedule serial commands. These commands can be used to control each of the device’s signals, and drive the stepper motor by issuing the step commands at the desired rate.

The microcontroller firmware operates using internal index mode.

This user’s guide details the operation of the EVM, as well as the hardware configurability of the evaluation module.






This design is a complete system for controlling 3-axis, single extruder-based 3D printers. The system is managed by the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad and utilizes the DRV8846 for precision stepper motor control. The CSD18534Q5A is used as a low-side switch for the hot bed heater, extruder heater, and cooling fan. The DRV5033  Hall Sensor acts as a contactless limit switch.


Complete 3D printer controller with MCU, stepper drivers, heater outputs, sensor inputs, and SD card slot.
Precise stepper motor current regulation using DRV8846 adaptive decay
Hall sensor limit switches are immune to contaminants and never wear out
High-current heater outputs from the CSD18534Q5A with low 7.8 mΩ Rds(ON)
Powered from a single 12V supply
System has been fully tested and proven








Detailed Description

1 Overview

The DRV8846 is an integrated motor driver solution for bipolar stepper motors. The device integrates 2 H-bridges that use NMOS low-side drivers and PMOS high-side drivers, current sense regulation circuitry, and a microstepping indexer. The DRV8846 can be powered with a supply range between 4 to 18 V and is capable of providing an output current to 1.4-A full scale or 1-A rms.

A simple STEP/DIR interface allows easy interfacing to the controller circuit. The internal indexer is able to execute high-accuracy microstepping without requiring the processor to control the current level.

The PWM off-time, tOFF can be adjusted to 10, 20, or 30 μs.

The DRV8846 has an adaptive decay feature that automatically adjusts the decay setting to minimize current ripple while still reacting quickly to step changes. This feature allows the DRV8846 to quickly be integrated into a system.

A torque DAC feature allows the controller to scale the output current without needing to scale the analog reference voltage input VREF. The torque DAC is accessed using digital input pins. This allows the controller to save power by decreasing the current consumption when not required.

A low-power sleep mode is included, which allows the system to save power when not driving the motor.

2 Functional Block Diagram


3 Feature Description

3.1 PWM Motor Drivers

DRV8846 contains two identical H-bridge motor drivers with current-control PWM circuitry. Figure 6 shows a block diagram of the circuitry.

PWM_motor_LLSEK2.gifFigure 6. PWM Motor Driver Circuitry

3.2 Micro-Stepping Indexer

To allow a simple step and direction interface to control stepper motors, the DRV8846 contains a microstepping indexer. The indexer controls the state of the H-bridges automatically. When the correct transition is applied at the STEP input, the indexer moves to the next step, according to the direction set by the DIR pin. In 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32 step modes, both the rising and falling edges of the STEP input may be used to advance the indexer, depending on the M0 / M1 setting.

The nENBL pin disables the output stage in indexer mode. When nENBL = 0, the indexer inputs are still active and respond to the STEP and DIR input pins; only the output stage is disabled.

The indexer logic in the DRV8846 allows a number of different stepping configurations. The M0 and M1 pins configure the stepping format (see Table 2).

Table 2. Step Mode Settings

0 0 Full step (2-phase excitation), rising-edge only
0 Z 1/2 step (1-2 phase excitation), rising-edge only
0 1 1/4 step (W1-2 phase excitation), rising-edge only
Z 0 8 microsteps/step, rising-edge only
Z Z 8 microsteps/step, rising and falling edges
Z 1 16 microsteps/step, rising-edge only
1 0 16 microsteps/step, rising and falling edges
1 Z 32 microsteps/step, rising-edge only
1 1 32 microsteps/step, rising and falling edges

Note that the M0 and M1 pins are tri-level inputs. These pins can be driven logic low, logic high, or high-impedance (Z), like the I0 and I1 pins described previously.

For 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32-step modes, selections are available to advance the indexer only on the rising edge of the STEP input, or on both the rising and falling edges.

The step mode may be changed on-the-fly while the motor is moving. The indexer advances to the next valid state for the new M0 / M1 setting at the next rising edge of STEP.

The home state is 45°. The indexer enters the home state after power-up, after exiting UVLO, or after exiting sleep mode (see the yellow-shaded cells in Table 3 also indicated with a table note).

Table 3 shows the relative current and step directions for different step mode settings. At each rising edge of the STEP input, the indexer travels to the next state in the table. The direction is shown with the DIR pin high; if the DIR pin is low, the sequence is reversed. Positive current is defined as xOUT1 = positive with respect to xOUT2.

Table 3. Relative Current and Step Directions

1 1 1 1 1 100% 0% 0
2 100% 5% 3
3 2 100% 10% 6
4 99% 15% 8
5 3 2 98% 20% 11
6 97% 24% 14
7 4 96% 29% 17
8 94% 34% 20
9 5 3 2 92% 38% 23
10 90% 43% 25
11 6 88% 47% 28
12 86% 51% 31
13 7 4 83% 56% 34
14 80% 60% 37
15 8 77% 63% 39
16 74% 67% 42
17(1) 9(1) 5(1) 3(1) 2(1) 1(1) 71% 71% 45
18 67% 74% 48
19 10 63% 77% 51
20 60% 80% 53
21 11 6 56% 83% 56
22 51% 86% 59
23 12 47% 88% 62
24 43% 90% 65
25 13 7 4 38% 92% 68
26 34% 94% 70
27 14 29% 96% 73
28 24% 97% 76
29 15 8 20% 98% 79
30 15% 99% 82
31 16 10% 100% 84
32 5% 100% 87
33 17 9 5 3 0% 100% 90
34 –5% 100% 93
35 18 –10% 100% 96
36 –15% 99% 98
37 19 10 –20% 98% 101
38 –24% 97% 104
39 20 –29% 96% 107
40 –34% 94% 110
41 21 11 6 –38% 92% 113
42 –43% 90% 115
43 22 –47% 88% 118
44 –51% 86% 121
45 23 12 –56% 83% 124
46 –60% 80% 127
47 24 –63% 77% 129
48 –67% 74% 132
49 25 13 7 4 2 –71% 71% 135
50 –74% 67% 138
51 26 –77% 63% 141
52 –80% 60% 143
53 27 14 –83% 56% 146
54 –86% 51% 149
55 28 –88% 47% 152
56 –90% 43% 155
57 29 15 8 –92% 38% 158
58 –94% 34% 160
59 30 –96% 29% 163
60 –97% 24% 166
61 31 16 –98% 20% 169
62 –99% 15% 172
63 32 –100% 10% 174
64 –100% 5% 177
65 33 17 9 5 –100% 0% 180
66 –100% –5% 183
67 34 –100% –10% 186
68 –99% –15% 188
69 35 18 –98% –20% 191
70 –97% –24% 194
71 36 –96% –29% 197
72 –94% –34% 200
73 37 19 10 –92% –38% 203
74 –90% –43% 205
75 38 –88% –47% 208
76 –86% –51% 211
77 39 20 –83% –56% 214
78 –80% –60% 217
79 40 –77% –63% 219
80 –74% –67% 222
81 41 21 11 6 3 –71% –71% 225
82 –67% –74% 228
83 42 –63% –77% 231
84 –60% –80% 233
85 43 22 –56% –83% 236
86 –51% –86% 239
87 44 –47% –88% 242
88 –43% –90% 245
89 45 23 12 –38% –92% 248
90 –34% –94% 250
91 46 –29% –96% 253
92 –24% –97% 256
93 47 24 –20% –98% 259
94 –15% –99% 262
95 48 –10% –100% 264
96 –5% –100% 267
97 49 25 13 7 0% –100% 270
98 5% –100% 273
99 50 10% –100% 276
100 15% –99% 278
101 51 26 20% –98% 281
102 24% –97% 284
103 52 29% –96% 287
104 34% –94% 290
105 53 27 14 38% –92% 293
106 43% –90% 295
107 54 47% –88% 298
108 51% –86% 301
109 55 28 56% –83% 304
110 60% –80% 307
111 56 63% –77% 309
112 67% –74% 312
113 57 29 15 8 4 71% –71% 315
114 74% –67% 318
115 58 77% –63% 321
116 80% –60% 323
117 59 30 83% –56% 326
118 86% –51% 329
119 60 88% –47% 332
120 90% –43% 335
121 61 31 16 92% –38% 338
122 94% –34% 340
123 62 96% –29% 343
124 97% –24% 346
125 63 32 98% –20% 349
126 99% –15% 352
127 64 100% –10% 354
128 100% –5% 357
(1) The indexer enters the home state after power-up, after exiting UVLO, or after exiting sleep mode.

3.3 Current Regulation

The current through the motor windings is regulated by an adjustable fixed-off-time PWM current regulation circuit. When an H-bridge is enabled, current rises through the winding at a rate dependent on the DC voltage, inductance of the winding, and the magnitude of the back EMF present. After the current reaches the current chopping threshold, the bridge enters a decay mode for a fixed period of time to decrease the current, which is configurable between 10 to 30 μs through the tri-level input TOFF_SEL. After the time expires, the bridge is re-enabled, starting another PWM cycle.

Table 4. Fixed Off-Time Selection

0 20 μs
Z 10 μs
1 30 μs

The PWM chopping current is set by a comparator which compares the voltage across a current sense resistor connected to the xISEN pin, with a reference voltage. The reference voltage can be supplied by an internal reference of 3.3 V (which requires VINT to be connected to VREF), or externally supplied to the VREF pin. The reference voltage is then scaled first by the 3-bit torque DAC, then by the output of a sine lookup table that is applied to a sine-weighted DAC (sine DAC). The voltage is attenuated by a factor of 6.6.

The full-scale (100%) chopping current is calculated as follows:

Equation 1. eq_IFS_LLSEK2.gif


  • IFS is the full scale regulated current
  • VREF is the voltage on the VREF pin
  • RISENSE is the resistance of the sense resistor
  • TORQUE is the scaling percentage from the torque DAC.

Example: Using VREF is 3.3 V, torque DAC = 100%, and a 500-mΩ sense resistor, the full-scale chopping current is 3.3 V / (6.6 × 500 mΩ) × 100% = 1 A.

The current for both motor windings is scaled depending on the I0 and I1 pins, which drive a 3-bit linear DAC, as inTable 5.

Table 5. Torque DAC Settings

0 0 100%
0 Z 87.5%
0 1 75%
Z 0 62.5%
Z Z 50%
Z 1 37.5%
1 0 25%
1 Z 12.5%
1 1 0% (outputs disabled)

Table 6 gives the xISEN trip voltage at a given DAC code and I[1:0] setting.

Table 6. Torque DAC xISENS Trip Levels (VREF = 3.3 V)

Sine DAC Code Torque DAC I[1:0] Setting
00 - 100% 0Z - 87.5% 01 - 75% Z0 - 62.5% ZZ - 50% Z1 - 37.5% 10 - 25% 1Z - 12.5%
31 500 mV 438 mV 375 mV 313 mV 250 mV 188 mV 125 mV 63 mV
30 500 mV 438 mV 375 mV 313 mV 250 mV 188 mV 125 mV 63 mV
29 495 mV 433 mV 371 mV 309 mV 248 mV 186 mV 124 mV 62 mV
28 490 mV 429 mV 368 mV 306 mV 245 mV 184 mV 123 mV 61 mV
27 485 mV 424 mV 364 mV 303 mV 243 mV 182 mV 121 mV 61 mV
26 480 mV 420 mV 360 mV 300 mV 240 mV 180 mV 120 mV 60 mV
25 470 mV 411 mV 353 mV 294 mV 235 mV 176 mV 118 mV 59 mV
24 460 mV 403 mV 345 mV 288 mV 230 mV 173 mV 115 mV 58 mV
23 450 mV 394 mV 338 mV 281 mV 225 mV 169 mV 113 mV 56 mV
22 440 mV 385 mV 330 mV 275 mV 220 mV 165 mV 110 mV 55 mV
21 430 mV 376 mV 323 mV 269 mV 215 mV 161 mV 108 mV 54 mV
20 415 mV 363 mV 311 mV 259 mV 208 mV 156 mV 104 mV 52 mV
19 400 mV 350 mV 300 mV 250 mV 200 mV 150 mV 100 mV 50 mV
18 385 mV 337 mV 289 mV 241 mV 193 mV 144 mV 96 mV 48 mV
17 370 mV 324 mV 278 mV 231 mV 185 mV 139 mV 93 mV 46 mV
16 355 mV 311 mV 266 mV 222 mV 178 mV 133 mV 89 mV 44 mV
15 335 mV 293 mV 251 mV 209 mV 168 mV 126 mV 84 mV 42 mV
14 315 mV 276 mV 236 mV 197 mV 158 mV 118 mV 79 mV 39 mV
13 300 mV 263 mV 225 mV 188 mV 150 mV 113 mV 75 mV 38 mV
12 280 mV 245 mV 210 mV 175 mV 140 mV 105 mV 70 mV 35 mV
11 255 mV 223 mV 191 mV 159 mV 128 mV 96 mV 64 mV 32 mV
10 235 mV 206 mV 176 mV 147 mV 118 mV 88 mV 59 mV 29 mV
9 215 mV 188 mV 161 mV 134 mV 108 mV 81 mV 54 mV 27 mV
8 190 mV 166 mV 143 mV 119 mV 95 mV 71 mV 48 mV 24 mV
7 170 mV 149 mV 128 mV 106 mV 85 mV 64 mV 43 mV 21 mV
6 145 mV 127 mV 109 mV 91 mV 73 mV 54 mV 36 mV 18 mV
5 120 mV 105 mV 90 mV 75 mV 60 mV 45 mV 30 mV 15 mV
4 100 mV 88 mV 75 mV 63 mV 50 mV 38 mV 25 mV 13 mV
3 75 mV 66 mV 56 mV 47 mV 38 mV 28 mV 19 mV 9 mV
2 50 mV 44 mV 38 mV 31 mV 25 mV 19 mV 13 mV 6 mV
1 25 mV 22 mV 19 mV 16 mV 13 mV 9 mV 6 mV 3 mV
0 0 mV 0 mV 0 mV 0 mV 0 mV 0 mV 0 mV 0 mV

3.4 Decay Mode

After the chopping current threshold is reached, the drive current is interrupted, but due to the inductive nature of the motor, current must continue to flow for some period of time (called recirculation current). To handle this recirculation current, the H-bridge can operate in two different states, fast decay or slow decay (or a mixture of fast and slow decay).

In fast-decay mode, after the PWM chopping current level is reached, the H-bridge reverses state to allow winding current to flow through the opposing FETs. As the winding current approaches 0, the bridge is disabled to prevent any reverse current flow. For fast-decay mode, see number 2 in Figure 7.

In slow-decay mode, winding current is recirculated by enabling both of the low-side FETs in the bridge. For slow-decay mode, see number 3 in Figure 7.

decay_mode_LLSEK2.gifFigure 7. Decay Modes

The DRV8846 supports fast, slow, mixed, and adaptive decay modes. With stepper motors, the decay mode is chosen for a given stepper motor and operating conditions to minimize mechanical noise and vibration.

In mixed decay mode, the current recirculation begins as fast decay, but at a fixed period of time (determined by the state of the DEC1 and DEC0 pins shown in Table 7) the current recirculation switches to slow decay mode for the remainder of the fixed PWM period. Note that the DEC1 and DEC0 pins are tri-level inputs; these pins can be driven logic low, logic high, or high-impedance (Z).

Figure 8 shows the current waveforms in slow, fast, and 25% and 1 tBLANK mixed decay modes.

current_waves_LLSEK2.gifFigure 8. Decay Behavior

Table 7. Decay Pins Configuration

DEC1 DEC0 Decay Mode (Increasing Current) Decay Mode (Decreasing Current)
0 0 Slow decay Slow decay
0 Z Slow decay Mixed decay: 25% fast
0 1 Slow decay Mixed decay: 1 tBLANK
Z 0 Mixed decay: 1 tBLANK Mixed decay: 1 tBLANK
Z Z Mixed decay: 50% fast Mixed decay: 50% fast
Z 1 Mixed decay: 25% fast Mixed decay: 25% fast
1 0 Slow decay Mixed decay: 50% fast
1 Z Slow decay Mixed decay: 12.5% fast
1 1 Slow decay Fast decay

Figure 9 shows increasing and decreasing current. When current is decreasing, the decay mode used is fast, slow, or mixed as commanded by the DEC1 and DEC0 pins. Three DEC pin selections allow for mixed decay during increasing current.

inc_and_dec_current_LLSEK2.gifFigure 9. Increasing and Decreasing Current

Adaptive decay mode simplifies the decay mode selection by dynamically changing to adjust for current level, step change, supply variation, BEMF, and load. To enable adaptive decay mode, pull the ADEC pin to logic high and pull DEC0 and DEC1 pins to logic high. The state of the ADEC pin is only evaluated when exiting sleep mode.

Adaptive decay adjusts the time spent in fast decay to minimize current ripple and quickly adjust to current-step changes. If the drive time is longer than the minimum (tBLANK), in order to reach the current trip point, the decay mode applied is slow decay (see Figure 10).

tim_decay_1_LLSEK2.gifFigure 10. Adaptive Decay – Slow Decay Operation

When the minimum drive time (tBLANK) provides more current than the regulation point, fast decay of 1- tBLANK is applied. If the second drive period also provides more current than the regulation point, fast decay of 2 tBLANK is applied. If a third (or more) consecutive period provides more current than the regulation point, fast decay using 25% of tOFF time is applied. When the minimum drive time is insufficient to reach the current regulation level, slow decay is applied until the current exceeds the current reference level (see Figure 11).

tim_decay_2_LLSEK2.gifFigure 11. Adaptive Decay – Mixed Decay Operation

Figure 12 shows a case for adaptive decay where a step occurs. The system starts with 1 tBLANK of fast decay and works up to 25% of tOFF time for fast decay until the current is regulated again.

tim_decay_3_LLSEK2.gifFigure 12. Adaptive Decay – Step Operation

3.5 Blanking Time

After the current is enabled in an H-bridge, the voltage on the xISEN pin is ignored for a period of time before enabling the current sense circuitry. Note that the blanking time also sets the minimum drive time of the PWM.

The time, tBLANK, is determined by the sine DAC code and the torque DAC setting. The timing information for tBLANK is given in Table 8.

Table 8. tBLANK Settings

Sine DAC Code Torque DAC I[1:0] Setting
00 - 100% 0Z - 87.5% 01 - 75% Z0 - 62.5% ZZ - 50% Z1 - 37.5% 10 - 25% 1Z - 12.5%
31 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
30 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
29 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
28 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
27 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
26 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
25 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
24 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
23 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
22 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
21 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
20 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
19 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
18 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
17 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
16 1.80 μs 1.80 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs
15 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
14 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
13 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
12 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
11 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
10 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
9 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
8 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.50 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
7 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
6 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
5 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
4 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 1.20 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
3 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
2 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
1 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs
0 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs 0.90 μs

3.6 Protection Circuits

The DRV8846 is fully protected against undervoltage, overcurrent, and overtemperature events.

3.6.1 Overcurrent Protection (OCP)

An analog current limit circuit on each FET limits the current through the FET by limiting the gate drive. If this analog current limit persists for longer than the OCP deglitch time tOCP, all FETs in the H-bridge are disabled and the nFAULT pin is driven low. The device remains disabled until the retry time, tRETRY, occurs. The OCP is independent for each H-bridge.

Overcurrent conditions are detected independently on both high-side and low-side devices; that is, a short to ground, supply, or across the motor winding all result in an OCP event. Note that OCP does not use the current sense circuitry used for PWM current control, so OCP functions without the presence of the xISEN resistors.

3.6.2 Thermal Shutdown (TSD)

If the die temperature exceeds safe limits, all FETs in the H-bridge are disabled and the nFAULT pin is driven low. After the die temperature falls to a safe level, operation automatically resumes. The nFAULT pin is released after operation has resumed.

3.6.3 Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)

If at any time the voltage on the VM pin falls below the UVLO falling threshold voltage, VUVLO, all circuitry in the device is disabled, and all internal logic is reset. Operation resumes when VM rises above the UVLO rising threshold. The nFAULT pin is driven low during an undervoltage condition and is released after operation has resumed.

Table 9. Fault Behavior

Fault Error Report H-Bridge Internal Circuits Recovery
VM UVLO nFAULT unlatched Disabled Shut down System and fault clears on recovery
OCP nFAULT unlatched Disabled Operating System and fault clears on recovery and motor is driven after time, tRETRY
TSD nFAULT unlatched Disabled Operating System and fault clears on recovery

